Literature analyzed to build SpliceAid database

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Kiledjian M, Dreyfuss G. (1992)Primary structure and binding activity of the hnRNP U protein: binding RNA through RGG box. EMBO J. 11(7):2655-64.
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Tacke R, Chen Y, Manley JL. (1997)Sequence-specific RNA binding by an SR protein requires RS domain phosphorylation: creation of an SRp40-specific splicing enhancer. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 94(4): 1148-1153.
Chung S, Eckrich M, Perrone-Bizzozero N, Kohn DT, Furneaux H. (1997)The Elav-like proteins bind to a conserved regulatory element in the 3'-untranslated region of GAP-43 mRNA.J Biol Chem. 272(10):6593-6598.
Chabot B, Blanchette M, Lapierre I, La Branche H. (1997)An intron element modulating 5' splice site selection in the hnRNP A1 pre-mRNA interacts with hnRNP A1. Mol Cell Biol. 17(4):1776-1786.
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Buckanovich RJ, Darnell RB. (1997)The neuronal RNA binding protein Nova-1 recognizes specific RNA targets in vitro and in vivo. Mol Cell Biol. 17(6):3194-3201.
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Berglund JA, Chua K, Abovich N, Reed R, Rosbash M. (1997)The splicing factor BBP interacts specifically with the pre-mRNA branchpoint sequence UACUAAC. Cell. 89(5):781-787.
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Tsuchihara K, Tanaka T, Hijikata M, Kuge S, Toyoda H, Nomoto A, Yamamoto N, Shimotohno K. (1997)Specific interaction of polypyrimidine tract-binding protein with the extreme 3'-terminal structure of the hepatitis C virus genome, the 3'X.J Virol. 71(9):6720-6726
Li HP, Zhang X, Duncan R, Comai L, Lai MM. (1997)Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 binds to the transcription-regulatory region of mouse hepatitis virus RNA. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 94(18): 9544-9549.
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Hamilton BJ, Burns CM, Nichols RC, Rigby WF. (1997)Modulation of AUUUA response element binding by heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein A1 in human T lymphocytes. The roles of cytoplasmic location, transcription, and phosphorylation.J Biol Chem. 272(45):28732-28741.
Sokolowski M, Zhao C, Tan W, Schwartz S. (1997)AU-rich mRNA instability elements on human papillomavirus type 1 late mRNAs and c-fos mRNAs interact with the same cellular factors. Oncogene. 15(19):2303-2319.
Nagel RJ, Lancaster AM, Zahler AM. (1998)Specific binding of an exonic splicing enhancer by the pre-mRNA splicing factor SRp55. RNA. 4(1):11-23.
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Berglund JA, Abovich N, Rosbash M. (1998)A cooperative interaction between U2AF65 and mBBP/SF1 facilitates branchpoint region recognition. Genes Dev. 12(6):858-867.
Tacke R, Tohyama M, Ogawa S, Manley JL. (1998)Human Tra2 proteins are sequence-specific activators of pre-mRNA splicing. Cell. 93(1): 139-148.
Liu HX, Zhang M, Krainer AR. (1998)Identification of functional exonic splicing enhancer motifs recognized by individual SR proteins. Genes Dev. 12(13): 1998-2012.
Soltaninassab SR, McAfee JG, Shahied-Milam L, LeStourgeon WM. (1998)Oligonucleotide binding specificities of the hnRNP C protein tetramer. Nucleic Acids Res. 26(14): 3410-3417.
Joseph B, Orlian M, Furneaux H. (1998)p21(waf1) mRNA contains a conserved element in its 3'-untranslated region that is bound by the Elav-like mRNA-stabilizing proteins.J Biol Chem. 273(32):20511-20516.
Lou H, Neugebauer KM, Gagel RF, Berget SM. (1998)Regulation of alternative polyadenylation by U1 snRNPs and SRp20. Mol Cell Biol. 18(9): 4977-85.
Mayeda A, Munroe SH, Xu RM, Krainer AR. (1998)Distinct functions of the closely related tandem RNA-recognition motifs of hnRNP A1.RNA. 4(9):1111-1123.
Gupta AK, Drazba JA, Banerjee AK. (1998)Specific interaction of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle U with the leader RNA sequence of vesicular stomatitis virus. J Virol. 72(11):8532-8540.
Yang YY, Yin GL, Darnell RB. (1998)The neuronal RNA-binding protein Nova-2 is implicated as the autoantigen targeted in POMA patients with dementia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 95(22):13254-13259.
Zheng ZM, Huynen M, Baker CC. (1998)A pyrimidine-rich exonic splicing suppressor binds multiple RNA splicing factors and inhibits spliceosome assembly.Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 95(24):14088-14093.
Dye BT, Buvoli M, Mayer SA, Lin CH, Patton JG. (1998)Enhancer elements activate the weak 3' splice site of alpha-tropomyosin exon 2. RNA. 4(12): 1523-1536.
Lou H, Helfman DM, Gagel RF, Berget SM. (1999)Polypyrimidine tract-binding protein positively regulates inclusion of an alternative 3'-terminal exon. Mol Cell Biol. 19(1):78-85.
Del Gatto-Konczak F, Olive M, Gesnel MC, Breathnach R. (1999)hnRNP A1 recruited to an exon in vivo can function as an exon splicing silencer.Mol Cell Biol. 19(1):251-260.
Schaal TD, Maniatis T. (1999)Multiple distinct splicing enhancers in the protein-coding sequences of a constitutively spliced pre-mRNA. Mol Cell Biol. 19(1): 261-73.
Shih SC, Claffey KP. (1999)Regulation of human vascular endothelial growth factor mRNA stability in hypoxia by heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein L. J Biol Chem. 274(3): 1359-1365.
Sokolowski M, Furneaux H, Schwartz S. (1999)The inhibitory activity of the AU-rich RNA element in the human papillomavirus type 1 late 3' untranslated region correlates with its affinity for the elav-like HuR protein. J Virol. 73(2):1080-1091.
Najera I, Krieg M, Karn J. (1999)Synergistic stimulation of HIV-1 rev-dependent export of unspliced mRNA to the cytoplasm by hnRNP A1.J Mol Biol. 285(5):1951-1964.
Schaal TD, Maniatis T. (1999)Selection and characterization of pre-mRNA splicing enhancers: identification of novel SR protein-specific enhancer sequences. Mol Cell Biol. 19(3): 1705-1719.
Gontarek RR, Gutshall LL, Herold KM, Tsai J, Sathe GM, Mao J, Prescott C, Del Vecchio AM. (1999)hnRNP C and polypyrimidine tract-binding protein specifically interact with the pyrimidine-rich region within the 3'NTR of the HCV RNA genome.Nucleic Acids Res. 27(6):1457-1463.
Chen CD, Kobayashi R, Helfman DM. (1999)Binding of hnRNP H to an exonic splicing silencer is involved in the regulation of alternative splicing of the rat beta-tropomyosin gene. Genes Dev. 13(5):593-606.
Maurer F, Tierney M, Medcalf RL. (1999)An AU-rich sequence in the 3'-UTR of plasminogen activator inhibitor type 2 (PAI-2) mRNA promotes PAI-2 mRNA decay and provides a binding site for nuclear HuR.Nucleic Acids Res. 27(7):1664-1673.
Cavaloc Y, Bourgeois CF, Kister L, Stevenin J. (1999)The splicing factors 9G8 and SRp20 transactivate splicing through different and specific enhancers. RNA. 5(3): 468-483.
Blanchette M, Chabot B. (1999)Modulation of exon skipping by high-affinity hnRNP A1-binding sites and by intron elements that repress splice site utilization. EMBO J. 18(7): 1939-1952.
Caputi M, Mayeda A, Krainer AR, Zahler AM. (1999)hnRNP A/B proteins are required for inhibition of HIV-1 pre-mRNA splicing. EMBO J. 18(14):4060-4067.
Bourgeois CF, Popielarz M, Hildwein G, Stevenin J. (1999)Identification of a bidirectional splicing enhancer: differential involvement of SR proteins in 5' or 3' splice site activation. Mol Cell Biol. 19(11):7347-7356.
Charroux B, Angelats C, Fasano L, Kerridge S, Vola C. (1999)The levels of the bancal product, a Drosophila homologue of vertebrate hnRNP K protein, affect cell proliferation and apoptosis in imaginal disc cells.Mol Cell Biol. 19(11):7846-7856.
Ansari SA, Safak M, Gallia GL, Sawaya BE, Amini S, Khalili K. (1999)Interaction of YB-1 with human immunodeficiency virus type 1 Tat and TAR RNA modulates viral promoter activity.J Gen Virol. 80 (Pt 10):2629-2638.
Liu HX, Chew SL, Cartegni L, Zhang MQ, Krainer AR. (2000)Exonic splicing enhancer motif recognized by human SC35 under splicing conditions. Mol Cell Biol. 20(3): 1063-1071.
Lewis HA, Musunuru K, Jensen KB, Edo C, Chen H, Darnell RB, Burley SK. (2000)Sequence-specific RNA binding by a Nova KH domain: implications for paraneoplastic disease and the fragile X syndrome.Cell. 100(3):323-332.
Jensen KB, Musunuru K, Lewis HA, Burley SK, Darnell RB. (2000)The tetranucleotide UCAY directs the specific recognition of RNA by the nova K-homology 3 domain. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 97(11): 5740-5745.
Park S, Myszka DG, Yu M, Littler SJ, Laird-Offringa IA. (2000)HuD RNA recognition motifs play distinct roles in the formation of a stable complex with AU-rich RNA.Mol Cell Biol. 20(13):4765-4772.
Conte MR, Grune T, Ghuman J, Kelly G, Ladas A, Matthews S, Curry S. (2000)Structure of tandem RNA recognition motifs from polypyrimidine tract binding protein reveals novel features of the RRM fold.EMBO J. 19(12):3132-3141.
Tsui S, Dai T, Roettger S, Schempp W, Salido EC, Yen PH. (2000)Identification of two novel proteins that interact with germ-cell-specific RNA-binding proteins DAZ and DAZL1. Genomics. 65(3):266-273.
Chou MY, Underwood JG, Nikolic J, Luu MH, Black DL. (2000)Multisite RNA binding and release of polypyrimidine tract binding protein during the regulation of c-src neural-specific splicing. Mol Cell. 5(6):949-957.
Millard SS, Vidal A, Markus M, Koff A. (2000)A U-rich element in the 5' untranslated region is necessary for the translation of p27 mRNA.Mol Cell Biol. 20(16):5947-5959.
Derry JJ, Richard S, Valderrama Carvajal H, Ye X, Vasioukhin V, Cochrane AW, Chen T, Tyner AL. (2000)Sik (BRK) phosphorylates Sam68 in the nucleus and negatively regulates its RNA binding ability. Mol Cell Biol. 20(16): 6114-6126.
Hofmann Y, Lorson CLL, Stamm S, Androphy EJ, Wirth B. (2000)Htra2-beta 1 stimulates an exonic splicing enhancer and can restore full-length SMN expression to survival motor neuron 2 (SMN2). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 97(17): 9618-9623.
Fogel BL, McNally MT. (2000)A cellular protein, hnRNP H, binds to the negative regulator of splicing element from Rous sarcoma virus. J Biol Chem. 275(41):32371-32378.
Markovtsov V, Nikolic JM, Goldman JA, Turck CW, Chou MY, Black DL. (2000)Cooperative assembly of an hnRNP complex induced by a tissue-specific homolog of polypyrimidine tract binding protein. Mol Cell Biol. 20(20):7463-7479.
Shan J, Moran-Jones K, Munro TP, Kidd GJ, Winzor DJ, Hoek KS, Smith R. (2000)Binding of an RNA trafficking response element to heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins A1 and A2. J Biol Chem. 275(49): 38286-38295.
Wan L, Dockendorff TC, Jongens TA, Dreyfuss G. (2000)Characterization of dFMR1, a Drosophila melanogaster homolog of the fragile X mental retardation protein.Mol Cell Biol. 20(22):8536-8547.
Lejeune F, Cavaloc Y, Stevenin J. (2001)Alternative splicing of intron 3 of the serine/arginine-rich protein 9G8 gene. Identification of flanking exonic splicing enhancers and involvement of 9G8 as a trans-acting factor.J Biol Chem. 276(11):7850-7858.
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Sokolowski M, Schwartz S. (2001)Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein C binds exclusively to the functionally important UUUUU-motifs in the human papillomavirus type-1 AU-rich inhibitory element. Virus Res. 73(2):163-175
Chung H , Derse D. (2001)Binding sites for Rev and ASF/SF2 map to a 55-nucleotide purine-rich exonic element in equine infectious anemia virus RNA. J Biol Chem. 276 (22): 18960-18967.
Thisted T, Lyakhov DL, Liebhaber SA. (2001)Optimized RNA targets of two closely related triple KH domain proteins, heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K and alphaCP-2KL, suggest Distinct modes of RNA recognition.J Biol Chem. 276(20):17484-17496.
Buratti E, Dork T, Zuccato E, Pagani F, Romano M, Baralle FE. (2001)Nuclear factor TDP-43 and SR proteins promote in vitro and in vivo CFTR exon 9 skipping. EMBO J. 20(7):1774-1784.
Huang Y, Steitz JA. (2001)Splicing factors SRp20 and 9G8 promote the nucleocytoplasmic export of mRNA.Mol Cell. 7(4):899-905.
Hastings ML, Wilson CM, Munroe SH. (2001)A purine-rich intronic element enhances alternative splicing of thyroid hormone receptor mRNA.RNA. 7(6):859-874.
Peled-Zehavi H, Berglund JA, Rosbash M, Frankel AD. (2001)Recognition of RNA branch point sequences by the KH domain of splicing factor 1 (mammalian branch point binding protein) in a splicing factor complex. Mol Cell Biol. 21(15):5232-5241.
Stickeler E, Fraser SD, Honig A, Chen AL, Berget SM, Cooper TA. (2001)The RNA binding protein YB-1 binds A/C-rich exon enhancers and stimulates splicing of the CD44 alternative exon v4. EMBO J. 20(14):3821-3830.
Buratti E, Baralle FE. (2001)Characterization and functional implications of the RNA binding properties of nuclear factor TDP-43, a novel splicing regulator of CFTR exon 9.J Biol Chem. 276(39):36337-36343.
Wilson GM, Sutphen K, Moutafis M, Sinha S, Brewer G. (2001)Structural remodeling of an A + U-rich RNA element by cation or AUF1 binding.J Biol Chem. 276(42):38400-38409.
Jacquenet S, Mereau A, Bilodeau PS, Damier L, Stoltzfus CM, Branlant C. (2001)A second exon splicing silencer within human immunodeficiency virus type 1 tat exon 2 represses splicing of Tat mRNA and binds protein hnRNP H. J Biol Chem. 276(44): 40464-75.
Schaeffer C, Bardoni B, Mandel JL, Ehresmann B, Ehresmann C, Moine H. (2001)The fragile X mental retardation protein binds specifically to its mRNA via a purine quartet motif. EMBO J. 20(17): 4803-4813.
Caputi M, Zahler AM. (2001)Determination of the RNA Binding Specificity of the Heterogeneous Nuclear Ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) H/H'/F/2H9 Family. J Biol Chem. 276(47): 43850-43859.
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Darnell JC, Jensen KB, Jin P, Brown V, Warren ST, Darnell RB. (2001)Fragile X mental retardation protein targets G quartet mRNAs important for neuronal function. Cell. 107(4): 489-499.
Smith PJ, Spurrell EL, Coakley J, Hinds CJ, Ross RJ, Krainer AR, Chew SL. (2002)An exonic splicing enhancer in human IGF-I pre-mRNA mediates recognition of alternative exon 5 by the serine-arginine protein splicing factor-2/alternative splicing factor. Endocrinology. 143(1):146-154.
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Zhu J, Mayeda A, Krainer AR. (2001)Exon identity established through differential antagonism between exonic splicing silencer-bound hnRNP A1 and enhancer-bound SR proteins. Mol Cell. 8(6): 1351-1361.
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Caputi M, Zahler AM. (2002)SR proteins and hnRNP H regulate the splicing of the HIV-1 tev-specific exon 6D. EMBO J. 21(4): 845-855.
Lapucci A, Donnini M, Papucci L, Witort E, Tempestini A, Bevilacqua A, Nicolin A, Brewer G, Schiavone N, Capaccioli S. (2002)AUF1 Is a bcl-2 A+U-rich element-binding protein involved in bcl-2 mRNA destabilization during apoptosis.J Biol Chem. 277(18):16139-16146.
Expert-Bezancon A, Le Caer JP, Marie J. (2002)Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) K is a component of an intronic splicing enhancer complex that activates the splicing of the alternative exon 6A from chicken beta-tropomyosin pre-mRNA.J Biol Chem. 277(19):16614-16623.
Cartegni L, Krainer AR. (2002)Disruption of an SF2/ASF-dependent exonic splicing enhancer in SMN2 causes spinal muscular atrophy in the absence of SMN1. Nat Genet. 30(4):377-384.
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Yeap BB, Voon DC, Vivian JP, McCulloch RK, Thomson AM, Giles KM, Czyzyk-Krzeska MF, Furneaux H, Wilce MC, Wilce JA, Leedman PJ. (2002)Novel binding of HuR and poly(C)-binding protein to a conserved UC-rich motif within the 3'-untranslated region of the androgen receptor messenger RNA.J Biol Chem. 277(30):27183-27192.
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Hutchison S, LeBel C, Blanchette M, Chabot B. (2002)Distinct sets of adjacent heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A1/A2 binding sites control 5' splice site selection in the hnRNP A1 mRNA precursor.J Biol Chem. 277(33):29745-29752.
Romano M, Marcucci R, Buratti E, Ayala YM, Sebastio G, Baralle FE. (2002)Regulation of 3' splice site selection in the 844ins68 polymorphism of the cystathionine beta-synthase gene.J Biol Chem. 277(46):43821-43829.
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