Database of metastasis patterns in mouse models
induced by injection of human cancer cell lines

MetaTropismDB v.1.0 (October 2020) statistics
513	Database records
219	Cell lines
 91	Reviewed studies (papers)
 27	Injection methods (the most frequent is the orthotopic method)
 18	Mouse models (the most frequent is the BALB/c)
296     Genes involved in organotropic metastases or incresing metastatic potential
Organs the collected cell lines belong to:

Bladder:  17      Breast:    49     Colorectal:  36     Kidney:        8
Liver:    8       Lung:      21     Melanoma:    34     Osteosarcoma:  1
Ovary:    3       Pancreas:  11     Prostate:    21     Thyroid:      10
The following images show the database content. In particular, for each cell line, it is reported its ability to induce metastasis formation (yellow means no metastasis, black means that it can induce metastasis at least in an experiment collected in the database).

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Computational Biology Group
Polytechnic University of Marche, Italy | 2020